Salt River Stallion

by Amanda Amend
Buy the Original Painting
15.000 x 11.000 inches
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Salt River Stallion
Amanda Amend
Painting - Watercolor
The Salt River wild horses are the historic and majestic creatures roaming the lower Salt River in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. They are the pride of the community, a favorite subject of photographers, and the icon of the wild, free spirit of Arizona and the American West. The photo reference that inspired this painting is graciously shared by GP Walsh Photography. You can see more of their remarkable work here: https://www.gpwalshphotography.com/
Thanks to the work of the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group, these horses are now legally protected in Arizona, but the Group's work is on-going. They are an all-volunteer organization (meaning that even their president and directors are volunteering their time) which monitors the health of the herd, practices humane birth control to keep the population at the State's desired levels, helps sick or injured animals, and provides feed during times of drought. Please visit their website to learn more:
https://saltriverwildhorsemanagementgroup.org/ I WILL DONATE ALL PROCEEDS FROM YOUR PURCHASES BACK TO THIS ORGANIZATION. This includes the sale of this original watercolor. If you are interested in helping the Salt River horses, please also consider donating through their website.
February 15th, 2023
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